Monday, December 22, 2008

I suck, I know

I know it's been way too long since my last post. To be honest, I forgot that I was doing this for a while. Oops! My minds gets away from me when I get busy. 
Anyway, things are good... school is great. I still love it. My students are awesome, and I will miss them (only a little though) over the next 2 weeks off. Ah yes, one of the perks of teaching... lots of breaks! So, over the break I plan on getting to a lot of those things that have been neglected during the first part of the school year (basically, a head start on "Spring cleaning"). But one of the things I would like to do is to discover a way to replicate a yummy sandwich that I recently ate. There is this place in downtown SJ that D&C took us to called the Poor House Bistro. I never knew it was there, and now wish I never discovered it! Because I had the best BBQ Chicken Po'Boy sandwich so full of flavor and spicy enough that I could not feel my lips! Yummm-my! But I cannot seem to find any recipes that sound like the same tasteful experience. So, if any of you have any hints for me... please, please, please, pass it on! I don't want to have to drive the 30 minutes each time I want that sandwich!
What else.... my studies are going very well also. In fact I will have my Masters degree completed by the first week in February!!! 
Well, I hope everyone has a great holiday and new year. I am not usually one for resolutions, but if I had to pick one, it would be to "try" and keep this blog updated. I said "try"...