Just a few results from all of the "Susie Homemaker" projects I've done over the past month. Why? Choose from as many of the following reasons:
a. it helps me de-stress
b. holidays remind me that I'd be a great stay-at-home mom... if it weren't for that whole not-being-a-mom thing
c. I'm off for a couple weeks - what else will I do?
d. I'm in denial

Since every year we have too many holiday cards to fit on our mantle, I decided to create a back up system. It's just an embroidery hoop decorated with clothespins (with nice holiday colored paper to make it "festive").
DOGGY TREATS! I felt bad that after making "human" Holiday Cookies, Asa, our "child", didn't get to take part in the celebration. So... she gets her own (and a few extras will go to her canine friends).