Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to it...

Week 3 has ended... and yet it feels like it's been months already. I'm speaking of school... and sadly am already counting the weeks until next summer. Not because I don't love teaching (which I DO!), but more so because I feel I got ripped off this last summer trying to recuperate from my foot surgery. I know, I know, stop complaining. But it has been pretty difficult to get around at school (as I expected it would be). And I fear that the surgery was in fact a waste of time. But the good part is that I'm not really any worse off (that's my way of seeing the silver lining. Pretty pathetic, huh?). The pain is about the same as it was before, just a little more swelling. I'll live.

Yes, I'll live.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

To go, or not to go...

That is the question.. really, it is.

I continue to battle with the repercussions of another's choices...
About 3 weeks ago, I got some minor surgery to my foot (toe, really) to repair some damage that resulted from the drunk driving crash over 13 years ago. The surgery (I cannot recall the arthroplasty name right now) was very minimal, but was an attempt at lessening the pain I feel on a daily basis. We'll see how that works out;)
But as I am healing from this surgery... and it seems to be progressing as normal, I had another set back... both physically and emotionally (the latter always seems to take the front seat). Dave and I had scheduled a mini vacation, a getaway to literaly just lay around in the pool and RELAX! And of course, me being me, I coordinated this trip completely around 2 things: summer break AND my surgery date.
So my last pre-op visit had be extremely optimistic. His evaluation made a smile appear (a rare occurrence)... because he told me I would have no reason to believe that I couldn't enjoy my upcoming vacation (1.5 weeks away at that point)... including swimming. YAY! A step forward! YAY!
Wrong. Flash forward to 3 days out from the trip.
I notice, in my daily changing of the bandage (which is actually just a band aid) that there appears to be a small amount of drainage. This means that my incision site is not closed completely... meaning it's not a good idea yet to get the area wet. Awesome. Well, there goes the entire point to my vacation. Literally, the only thing I have planned during the week is to lay by the pool.. but more accurately, lay IN the pool (it's 115+ degrees where we are going!).
Okay, so I know you're probably thinking "big deal, get over it, it'll all be fine." And to some extent, I agree. However, this whole fiasco, although it may seem small, is not really even about swimming, or walking, or whatever. It's about the fact that even though I've developed a defense system to "deal" with these issues as they arise, I shouldn't HAVE to "deal" with them... because I didn't make the choice to have these issues. The drunk driver did.
So the true upset on this is a continuous battle I struggle with because of another's actions. The seemingly constant battle of 1 step forward, 2 steps back.
And this was at least 2 steps backwards in terms of my emotional well being. On this particular battle, between the tears and rage, I asked myself "is it even fair that I have to consider not taking this vacation?" But I did... I asked.. explored all possibilities... and came to a conclusion.

More to come...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Although a little pissed off, I am still alive

Hey hey! Remember me? I am in fact still around, but barely checking this blog anymore, mostly because I keep up with folks and the oh-so-exciting life I lead on, dare I say it.... Facebook. I know, I know silly as it sounds, I'm there, that's where you can find me... and where I can find most of you. But the other day, I was looking at one of my friend's who is very disciplined in his bloggings (you know who you are). And I honestly wondered "does my blog page still exist after more than a year of non-use?" What do ya know, still here, patiently waiting for my attention... so I'll try to get back to keeping it company... for some things.
When I went back to look who is as bad as me and who was blogging away, I realized, more than ever before, that this "blog" thing is like a diary... and it was something that offended and upset me a little. I was reading personal stuff about my small group of blogmates (some really close friends)... stuff that I feel I should have already known about before... oh I don't know.... all of cyberspace! I felt as though I was being kept from some secrets just because I didn't check my blog. What's wrong with this?
I'll tell you what's wrong with this... everyone cares more about how much easier it is to say "check my blog" or "did you see my tweet" or "liking" another person's Facebook status than engaging in actual personal relationships and the joys of sharing experiences - good and bad.
I was recently talking with a close friend about how sometimes we need to take a few steps back and look at our friendships to analyze whether or not they are... how do I say this... as important in our lives as they maybe used to be.
And although I am genuinely hurt by at least one of my fellow blogmates, I can get passed it and have forgiven this person for their neglect.
But tissue box in hand, I also have begun to analyze this "friendship"...